Friday, January 6, 2012

Project America

Ave, populus!

It's been a while since I last posted anything, but here I am again! In this post I'm want to talk about what I've dubbed 'Project America'. It's a tad lengthy, so get yourself a nice cup of tea and make yourself comfortable. ;)

What is Project America?
I am currently in the third year of my bachelors study (Communication & Multimedia Design) and that means it's about time for me to go on an internship. Now while I could stay here in the Netherlands (I actually already had a position offered to me, sorta), I decided to take the hard route and set my sight on something bigger: The United States of America!

But why?
I'm glad you asked! My main reason is simply because I think it'd be fun. However, there's also a logical aspect to it all. I'm afraid that if I don't go now, I'll finish school, find a job and then just never really get to it. This way I get to experience it while not having to worry about it interfering with school, work, or life in general. So why America? I'm not sure, it just seems like a cool place to me. I think I want to aim for L.A., with N.Y. as a close second, though I'm open to suggestions. Australia also seems pretty cool, so who knows I may have to change the name of this 'project' sometime in the future (I just didn't wanna go with 'Project Somewhere' for now).

Ok... but why make it a 'project'? Isn't it just a matter of getting a visum, finding a position and hopping on a plane? #MakingItSeemBiggerThanItReallyIs
Unfortunately, it's not that simple for me. As some of you may know, I have a physical handicap. In short, this means that I:
- Can't stand or walk
- Am thus bound to a wheelchair
- Have limited hand functionality
- Need help every now and then

Now this isn't a dealbreaker per sé, it just means that I have some extra things to consider and take care of. I need to find a place to stay that can offer the help I need and/ or make homecare arrangements, find a company that'll have me and is wheelchair accessible, figure out if and how I can take my wheelchair, what to do when it breaks down (and it will, trust me, I'm lucky that way), etc.

That sounds like a lot of work!
It probably is, but it'll be worth it if I can make it! (short paragraph FTW \0/)

Is there anything I (the reader) can do to help?
Why, how considerate of you to ask! (and so spontaneously, too!) Actually, I wouldn't mind a bit of information on some things. I haven't actively looked a whole lot yet either, but any 'insider info' would be more than welcome, considering it's most likely more accurate than some 5 year old website linking to other sites that are either outdated or no longer exist (I have found those, they're less helpful than one might think).
So if you know of a local place to stay at that can offer help/ care (preferably in the L.A./ N.Y. area) or perhaps a company that could use an intern, please shoot me a mail ( or Tweet (@SenshiSentou). =)

And with that, I end this post. I know it's not like my regular ramblings, but since I'd like to document the progress on this I figured an intro post should be in place. Thanks for reading and catch you on the flip side!

-Pat out

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