Hello! Welcome to my blog!
Yes, the time has come for me to finally enter the blogosphere and start posting whatever it is that's going through my head. Why? Excellent question! Cue the explanation!
The first and foremost reason is because I've thought about blogging several times before already, but always backed out at the last minute because I figured I'd never have anything interesting to say. However, on multiple occasions now, I did... I just didn't have a blog to put it on.
Reason number two is that I'd like a platform where I don't have to worry about who might be reading what I have or want to say. That may sound silly, but my Twitter for instance is a mix of different audiences who follow me, and who I follow, but there's definitely a clear majority of Blender-followers there. I don't mind this, au contraire, but it does make me feel somewhat... reserved, about what I post on there. Here, I don't wanna, and I'm not gonna. This blog comes without guarantees and may contain entries about anything from fluffy bunnies to game design endeavors. From Pokémon to Python-scripts. From philosophical views to... you get the idea.
My next post will probably be a more introductory kind of post, telling you all a bit about myself, my interests, hobbies, study, pets... Heh, this is starting to sound like an eighth grade show-and-tell. Anywho, we'll see how it goes from there. ;)
Thanks for reading and see you soon!
-Pat out
ReplyDeleteYes, sometimes we let our audience guide our creative output. Maybe becoming less creative. On the other hand, an unread blog becomes a lonely place.
ReplyDeleteLOL, ok I am in, I'll be watching this spot to see what pearls of wisdom and non-wisdom get strewn here.
ReplyDeleteOnjoFilms: True, it would. But I really wanted to try an audience-independent platform. We'll see how it goes. =P
ReplyDeleteDreamsgate: Yay, welcome aboard! \0/